Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Difference Between IMRaD and Research Paper

Mar. 29, 2012

Difference Between IMRaD and Research Paper

When it comes to the differences between an IMRaD report and a research paper, there are quite a few points to address. However, one of the main differences between the two is how their results are obtained. For an IMRaD report, the author of the work is looking to directly procure results from personal polls or surveys they conduct, while in a research paper, the author is borrowing and citing materials and information from sources and not from their one-on-one experience with individuals.

The second difference between an IMRaD report and a research paper is the IMRaD's compilation of gathered research in separate tables or graphs as opposed to a research paper sharing information within the body of the text.

One of the final differences that can be clearly seen between an IMRaD report and a research paper is the structure of the paper. An IMRaD report includes sections on an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion, while a research paper may interweave multiple sections without subheadings or necessarily clear cut distinctions between sections.

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